Quad Bike Safety Investigation

The ACCC has established a taskforce to conduct an investigation into quad bike safety and consider the merits of implementing a safety standard for quad bikes under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL).

“Tragically, 114 people have been killed in Australia in quad bike accidents since 2011. The ACCC is investigating a range of possible options to improve quad bike safety and prevent further deaths and injuries in the community,” ACCC Commissioner Mick Keogh said.

“A key question is whether a safety standard should be introduced for quad bikes under the Australian Consumer Law.”

“The ACCC recognises that quad bikes are important vehicles for many Australians who rely on them for work on farms, or use them recreationally,” Mr Keogh said.

The ACCC will be making a Draft Recommendation to government early next year, with a Final Recommendation to be made mid-2018.

There are approximately 380,000 quad bikes in operation in Australia used for in workplaces, recreation, adventure tours and competitive racing. About 20,000 quad bikes are sold each year in Australia and they are one of the leading causes of death and injury on
Australian farms.


New South Wales

Eligible farmers may receive:

  • Up to $1000 for each agricultural side-by-side vehicle.
  • Up to $500 for each Quadbar™ or ATV Lifeguard Operator Protective Device.
  • Up to $90 for each compliant helmet.

Eligible farm workers may receive:

  • Up to $90 for a compliant helmet.
  • Anyone who works for an eligible farmer is also eligible for a place in the free regional and remote training program, which comes with a compliant helmet

More information can be found on SafeWork NSW’s website.


Eligible farmers may receive:

  • $1200 for the purchase of an alternate vehicle such as a side-by-side vehicle or a small utility vehicle.
  • Up to $600 for the purchase of up to two approved operator protection devices. The devices that currently meet the approved criteria are the Quadbar™ and the ATV Lifeguard. The total rebate available is $1200 for two devices.

More information can be found on WorkSafe Victoria’s website.