Glossophobia: new phobia or age old classic fear

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Written by Robert Keft, 2 June 2014

Do you have glossophobia?  

If you do, you are certainly not alone as many people have this fear. In fact, it is one thing that is feared the most in many communities.

Glossophobia, is a fear of public speaking. Public speaking can strike fear and anxiety in the most competent of people. If executed poorly it can leave people feeling not only inadequate but it can also be damaging to self-esteem.

So if the thought of speaking in front of a group makes your palms sweat and your heart pound there are 2 ways of dealing with this. The first is totally avoiding public speaking. You can always look for other ways to enhance your personal and business exposure. Avoidance is favoured by many, but eventually there will come the day when you won’t be able to avoid it. The other option is to overcome your fears.

Why bother trying to overcome public speaking fears? From a business perspective, public speaking opportunities position you as an expert in your area of business and may lead to countless new opportunities.

So besides knowing your material well, here are my 3 tips when approaching the lectern which I was taught many years ago.

  1. Be Poised. A poised person exudes confidence and gives the appearance of being well balanced and composed. Put your shoulders back and walk to the lectern calmly. Rushing may give the impression of being anxious and poorly prepared.
  2. Be Positive. Audiences are always drawn towards a positive person with a positive message. Being positive demonstrates to your audience that you know your subject matter and that you are confident to address the audience. A negative presentation style can put your audience off your key message.
  3. Be Powerful. A powerful person always attracts attention. A good tip is to lower your voice an octave or two. This will give your voice a commanding presence and you will be more likely to be perceived as an authority in the subject matter you are presenting. A powerful opening line delivered well always helps any presentation.

So next time you are asked to speak publicly think about the 3 P’s and try this positive affirmation as you are nearing your presentation time. 

I am Poised, Positive and Powerful”. Repeat 7 times and you may just surprise yourself.

By the way, when I say repeat 7 times I mean in your head and not necessarily out loud as it may be just a little disconcerting for the audience.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]