June 2021
Issue 40
Welding safety at the forefront of new research
To better understand exposure to welding fumes, the NSW Centre for WHS is conducting new research, together with the University of Sydney and Curtin University. The Centre is focusing on Australian welding industries and occupations, current controls being used and the effectiveness in risk mitigation.
Beware of human error as a viable safety concept
The biggest challenge when it comes to systems thinking is a fixation on ‘human error’ and the behaviour of workers at the so-called sharp end when trying to understand and manage safety, according to the University of the Sunshine Coast.
COVID-19 2020 Workers’ Compensation Claims
There were 1222 workers’ compensation claims related to COVID-19 lodged in 2020. Of the accepted and pending claims lodged, claims were for workers who had contracted COVID-19, for mental health impacts related to the virus, and testing or isolation requirements.
Good Safety is just Good Business
Tension between employers, unions, workers and government has continued over many years typically around remuneration, workplace conditions, work hours, productivity, workplace morale and business profitability. This article explores why employers, unions, workers and Government all need to come together for one Cause, that is Work Health and Safety.
Mental stress and harassment/bullying claims on the rise
Workers’ compensation claims related to mental stress and harassment and/or bullying have both risen in recent years, according to the recent Safe Work Australia 6th annual Psychosocial health and safety and bullying in Australian workplaces statement.
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