Topic: Safety Resources

NSW Mentally Healthy Workplaces

Thousands of workers around NSW will have better support at work while overcoming mental health challenges thanks to the NSW Government’s Mentally Healthy Workplaces strategy. Minister for Better Regulation Matt Kean is launching a new workplace intervention program, a new website with free support and resources, and additional funding to help drought-affected farm workers living…

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Return to Work in Psychological Injury Claims

Workers with psychological injuries generally have lower return to work (RTW) rates than workers with physical injuries, but there are things employers can do to improve the outcomes. The Return to work: A comparison of psychological and physical injury claims report looks at the similarities and differences between psychological and physical claims, including how workers…

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National Guidance on Work-Related Psychological Health and Safety

Poor psychological safety costs Australian organisations $6 billion per annum in lost productivity. This is primarily because psychological injuries typically require three times more time off work than other injuries. Safe Work Australia have developed a guide for employers and workers, which describes how to build a psychologically healthy and safe workplace by identifying, assessing…

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What is silicosis and why is this old lung disease making a comeback?

Silicosis is a group of occupational lung diseases caused by breathing in silica dust. It has been described since ancient times, when miners and stone cutters were exposed to dust containing this crystalline mineral. However, there has been a worrying resurgence of cases recently, as a recent New South Wales parliamentary committee has heard. Now…

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