Managing Risks when Unpacking Shipping Containers

Safe Work Australia has developed a series of information sheets which provide practical guidance on how to manage health and safety risks associated with unpacking shipping containers, including exposure to hazardous chemicals, for example fumigants and solvents.

The information sheets provide guidance for workers and supervisors managing risks when unpacking shipping containers.

What are the hazards?

Hazards associated with unpacking containers include:

  • falls from height
  • being hit by falling objects
  • hazardous chemicals
  • being hit by mobile plant
  • environmental conditions e.g. heat or cold
  • hazardous manual tasks e.g. repetitive strain injuries, and
  • slips, trips and falls.

How serious is the risk?

The consequences of risks associated with unpacking shipping containers include minor sprains, strains, abrasions, fractures and other health problems and in some cases, death.

Information sheets are available for download at the Safe Work Australia website.

  • Managing Risks of Hazardous Chemical Exposure when Unpacking Shipping Containers Information Sheet
  • Managing Risks of Methyl Bromide Exposure when Unpacking Shipping Containers Information Sheet
  • Managing Risks when Unpacking Shipping Containers Information Sheet

Source: Safe Work Australia, February 2016