The dark shadow of work: Suicide among working age adults

Most deaths by suicide are among people of working age. Suicide is the leading cause of death for males aged 25–44 years and females aged 25–34 years. The proportion of suicides that are work-related is unclear. One Australian study found that 17% of suicides in Victoria from 2000–2007 were work-related. Applying this estimate to deaths across Australia, approximately 3,800 suicides over the decade to 2011 may be work-related.

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Losing Breath – The Adam Sager Story

Workplace Health & Safety Queensland released their latest safety advocate film ‘Losing breath’, which is dedicated to Adam Sager who tragically died from the asbestos related disease mesothelioma at age 25.

Adam’s family share the heartbreaking story about how they unknowingly exposed their son to asbestos when he was only 18 months old. Adam’s family hope that their story will help raise awareness about the dangers of asbestos as there is currently no cure for asbestos related diseases.

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Good Attracts Good


Written by Robert Keft, 1 May 2013

I couldn’t help but reflect on the recent passing of a dear auntie.

Auntie Win had a very interesting life. Her beloved mother died when she was six years old and was sent to live with her auntie and uncle. Unfortunately her five other siblings were sent to different relatives.

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Safety Services

WHS Gap Analysis
Although there have been significant changes to workplace health & safety (WHS) laws nationally, employers who currently comply with the various health and safety laws across Australia will be well on their way to compliance with the new regulatory system.

Risk Management
Identifying hazards in the workplace and managing risk is an essential part of creating a safe work environment. Everyone has an obligation to identify and report potential hazards and adopt safe work practices in everything they do. Organisations with a good safety culture and efficient safety systems in place this becomes second nature.

Contractor management
Can be a very challenging area for organisations to manage and your obligations under Occupational Health and Safety legislation are not absolved because you have engaged the services of a contractor. It is important that contractors have a clear understanding of what is required while on site at your workplace and that they have their own robust safety policy and safety procedures in place.

Audiology Services
Noise is a major workplace health and safety hazard and under WHS legislation, workers must be protected from the risk of hearing loss. Hazardous noise can destroy the ability to hear clearly, making it more difficult to hear sounds necessary for working safely such as instructions or warning signals.

Brave True Stories

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ) recently launched a new short film “In it for the long haul: The Tiffany Ward story”. This is a powerful film which follows Tiffany Ward, who at 18 years old, had her arms trapped in a factory auger, nearly ending her life and leaving her permanently injured. Her inspirational story shows her resilience and spirit as well as the vulnerability of younger employees in the workplace.

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